New labour policies frontiers in the globalization era
January 2008

1. Reversing the Marshall-Hicks rule. – 2. Where workers have an interest in competition between entrepreneurs in the labour market ‑ 3. A new key to the interpretation of the labour market: the workers, too, choose and hire their employer. – 4. The objections to the idea of workers hiring the employer. The limit of the prohibition of competition. The sunset of the prohibition of approaching and hiring the competitor’s employees – 5. The great contradiction between the discontent with domestic entrepreneurs and the refusal of the alternatives available on a global scale. – 6. Alpha and Omega: two models of trade-union and of labour policies. – 7. When workers prevent themselves from hiring the best employer: the cases of Italian railways and of Alitalia. The case of Alfa Romeo and some other Italian cases. – 8. The importance of the attitude to evaluating the industrial plan and, if suitable, to betting on it. – 9. Bargaining at the plant level, without limits and boundaries, as an indispensable means for the hiring of the best employer by workers and their benefiting from innovation. – 10. The logic of the centralizing strategy and the fences protecting the old national standard pattern against new enterprise models. – 11. A new way to look at the development of regular employment in depressed areas. – 12. The main problem: the huge increase in workers’ income and productivity inequality. – 13. Why the idea of a subordinate worker’s legal incapacity can be harmful.

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